For those of you not up to speed with “capital L” Libertarian Party politics, some unfortunate developments have arisen. A new caucus, the Mises Caucus--a fusion of radical anti-statism, 90’s paleo libertarian strategy, and alt-right edgelord energy--has proclaimed their goal to take over the Libertarian Party in the US.

For those of you not up to speed with “capital L” Libertarian Party politics, some unfortunate developments have arisen. A new caucus, the Mises Caucus--a fusion of radical anti-statism, 90’s paleo libertarian strategy, and alt-right edgelord energy--has proclaimed their goal to take over the Libertarian Party in the US. While they cannot yet claim full success, they have been able to take over several state party chapters. A welcome (for them) side effect of their efforts has been the steady departure of more moderate and socially progressive voices from the party, including the LNC Chair.

To better acquaint you with the Mises Caucus, allow me to briefly describe part of their agenda. Their goals include reversing the Party’s pro-choice and pro-immigration planks. They headline self-professed “radical thinkers” who use code to obfuscate their true antisemitic, Holocaust-denying message (Hotep Jesus) along with proponents of nationalism as inherently preferable over globalism, no matter how odious and antithetical to libertarianism a nationalist movement might be (Thaddeus Russel).

The Caucus seems to welcomes bigots and other regressive collectivists, justifying their inclusiveness by saying bigotry boils down to mere cultural differences. Caucus leader Michael Heise discourages (or forbids) members from discussing these “cultural issues” because, according to the caucus’ ideology, libertarianism is supposed to be for everyone, be they conservative or liberal, racist or POC, bigot or minority. As a result, trans issues and systemic racism within police departments are verboten. This ban does not, however, prohibit members from criticizing Critical Race Theory (or their paltry understanding of it).

In the Caucus’s quest for radicalism, they’ve adopted the aesthetics of vulgarity and the marketing of shock and outrage. A few modest examples from either official caucus accounts or states in which the caucus now leads:

Regarding the Jan 6 insurrection at the capital:

Regarding the straw-man understanding of the vaccine passport idea:

Regarding Critical Race Theory: